Continuous School Improvement Plan
Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.
This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.
School Profile Information
School: James Wood High School
Principal: Shelly Andrews
Enrollment: 1,463
School Vision Statement
Working together to cultivate excellence.
School Mission Statement
At James Wood High School, all staff work together to provide a safe, supportive environment that enables students to be self-directed, lifelong learners. Our instruction enables all students to meet and exceed curricular expectations, state mandates, and individual goals. We provide diverse learning opportunities, which include intervention, remediation, and enrichment.
Goal #1
By June 2025, pass rates for students with disabilities in English and math will be 75% or higher.
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track | English: Of the 14 students with disabilities tested on the October 2024 Work Keys Reading test, 14 passed (100%). Of the 14 students with disabilities tested on the October 2024 Work Keys Writing test, 11 passed (78.6%). Of the students with disabilities taking the quarter 1 FCPS Common Assessment in English 11, 50% achieved SOL standard. Of all students taking the quarter 1 FCPS Common Assessment in English 11, 86.6% achieved SOL standard. Math: Of the students with disabilities taking the solving equations assessment in Algebra I, 76.9% achieved SOL standard or better on the provided assessment. Of all students taking the unit common assessment on parallel lines in geometry, 86% achieved SOL standard or better on the provided assessment. |
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Goal #2
By June 2025, James Wood High School will promote staff retention by developing a school-wide system to support staff members emotionally and socially.
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track |
September survey of staff, 78.7% of staff indicated that the year got started well, and 86% were feeling optimistic about the school year. Year 1 teachers are paired with a mentor to meet on a weekly basis for 30+ hours in a school year with the focus on helping the new teachers in all of the areas of the professional standards, school based information, and any other area the new teacher may need. Year 2 and 3 teachers participate in our mentorship program where the mentee develops a professional goal and works with their mentor through a genuine professional research and improvement process. This more positive and intentional engagement between mentor and mentee leads to more effective instruction in the classroom. Data on mentor/mentee effectiveness is forthcoming. |
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Goal #3
By June 2026, the implementation of evidence-based practices in explicit instruction and differentiated learning strategies will be evident in all English and math classes.
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track | Of the classrooms observed, 80% showed one form of differentiation in the walkthrough period of 10-15 minutes. In classrooms where differentiation was observed, the most frequent type of differentiation was content, followed by process, and learning environment. |
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Goal #4
By June 2025, JWHS will plan and implement a school community engagement program titled Colonel Connection focused on helping James Wood High School students and staff feel more connected to each other and their community.
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track | Colonel Connection has included to date: multiple editions of the Colonel Connection newsletter for students and staff; Suicide and Crisis Prevention Month activities including a fundraising and awareness event paired with the Americans for Suicide Prevention; table talks with the Student Support Coach; attendance mentors; and positive attendance celebrations. Over 700 students engaged with co- and extracurricular activities in both September and October. Community outreach for 75th anniversary planning is scheduled for December 2, 2024 at 7PM. |
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For more information about James Wood High School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.
Quarterly Events
October 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., JWHS Cafeteria: Discuss Goal #4 -
December 2, 2024 6:30 at p.m., JWHS Cafeteria: Discuss Goal #3
March 3, 2025 6:30 at p.m., JWHS Cafeteria: Discuss Goal #1
April 28, 2025 6:30 at p.m., JWHS Cafeteria: Discuss Goal #2